Miracles From Heaven Christian Movie Review 2023

Miracles from Heaven Christian Movie Review

Welcome back to Christian Movies Recaps. Today, I will recap one of the 2016 Christian movies based on a true story called Miracles from Heaven. Let’s get started.

The movie begins with Kelvin’s family enjoying their beautiful new ranch home, where they usually invite their fellow church members to come and have fun. The family is thrilled, and the children spend all day playing and enjoying themselves on their new home farm.

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Miracles from Heaven Christian movie review

One night, things didn’t seem great with their daughter, Anna, who started vomiting and complaining of stomach upsets. With time, the girl starts developing pains, and her mother, Christy, notices that all is not well with her daughter.

Kelvin and Christy Start Taking Anna to Different Hospitals

Kelvin and Christy are worried about what is happening to their daughter, greatly threatening their new farming business. They start taking Anna to different hospitals, and one doctor says that Anna is suffering from gastroesophageal reflux disease and that by following a strict diet discipline, she will be fine.

Although they followed everything the doctor told them, the pain in Anna’s stomach became unbearable. One night, they had to rush Anna to the hospital in an emergency because the pain was quite acute.

The doctor gave Anna the usual diagnosis for the fourth time. Christy, her mother, is uncomfortable with the results and complains to the doctor to conduct a thorough diagnosis to know what’s wrong with her child.

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Miracles from Heaven Christian movie review

Christy yells in the hospital until the doctor agrees to check Anna again thoroughly. Christy was right; her daughter was suffering from something serious. According to the doctor, Anna had a total abdominal obstruction disorder that needed immediate attention, or she would lose her young life.

Immediately, Anna is subjected to the emergency process, which involves some of the most uncomfortable and painful procedures for the young girl. Because of the uncomfortable process, her mother could not hold herself from seeing and hearing her daughter weeping.

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Anna is Suffering from an Incurable Disease – Miracles from Heaven

After the procedure, the doctor meets with Anna’s parents and tells them that their daughter is suffering from an intestinal motility disorder that usually doesn’t have a cure. However, they have tried to normalize the situation, but Anna must be under strict observation and instruction to keep her alive. The doctor also tells them that a specialist in Boston can help in such cases.

Everyone must take care of Anna at home, especially her mother, whose routine has completely changed. She feels overworked and hopeless. Anna’s stomach keeps growing, and it’s hard for her usual clothes to fit her.

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Miracles from Heaven Christian movie review

Christy tries contacting the doctor, but she cannot reach him, and her desperation continues to become intense, especially after knowing that Anna’s days are numbered. The church continues to pray for Anna while Christy’s faith disappears.

In the next scene of Miracles from Heaven Christian movie, we see Christy and her husband Kelvin arguing over almost everything and she says that she will no longer be going to church. Their eldest daughter observes everything and feels sad over the developing story. She prays to God to heal her sister, but her condition worsens.

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Christy Flies Anna to Boston – Miracles from Heaven

Not wanting to see her daughter die, Christy flies her to Boston without securing an appointment with the doctor. At the hospital, Christy begs the receptionist to help them see the doctor because Anna is in bad condition.

Although the receptionist sympathizes with the mother, the rules of the hospital cannot be broken; one has to have an appointment with the doctor for them to see him. Heartbroken, Christy and Anna leave the hospital.

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Miracles from Heaven Christian movie review

At the restaurant, they meet with Angela, who is very friendly to them and keeps cracking jokes and putting a smile on their face while at the restaurant. She promises to show them around Boston, and they decide to try it, extending their stay by two days.

Angela takes them to an aquarium, among other places, which Anna loves very much. While at the aquarium, Christy receives a call from the hospital for Anna’s next appointment. That rekindles her hope that her daughter will be healed.

Anna is Examined by Doctor Nurko – Miracles from Heaven

The next day in the Miracles from Heaven Christian movie, Anna is taken to the hospital for various checkups. Doctor Samuel Nurko is charismatic and fond of children who prank and make sick children forget why they are there.

However, when talking to Christy, the smile and pranks fade away when he confirms the worst fears of Christy. Anna is suffering from a disease that cannot be cured; they can only manage it by buying expensive and strong medicines while coming for checkups every six months.

This tears the heart of Christy apart, and her faith is now completely gone. Her husband understands her and he tries his best to get money for Anna’s treatment. He even sells his motorbike to cater for the medical and flight expenses.

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Miracles from Heaven Christian movie review

In one of the appointments with Doctor Samuel, he requests that Anna be admitted for close monitoring. This is after she had a green vomit. While at the hospital, she befriends a young girl who is suffering from cancer and they begin to share about their short lives.

Anna also shares her faith and belief in God and tells her she should not fear death. She even gives her necklace with a cross to the girl. That night, the pain becomes intense and Anna cries and tells her mother that she wants to die and go to heaven where there is no pain. Christy feels heartbroken, and she holds her tightly to comfort her.

Kelvin and Anna’s Sister Visit Her in Boston

In the next scene of Miracles from Heaven Christian movie, we are taken to the airport where Kelvin is with Anna’s sisters who want to fly to Boston to see their sister. However, there is a problem with Kelvin’s card, and he cannot make the payment. Anna’s little sister asks her father whether her sister will die before they get there.

On hearing that, the operator at the airport processes their payments, and they leave for Boston. When they arrive at the hospital, Anna is happy to see her father and siblings. They all play pillow games together.

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Miracles from Heaven Christian movie review

That rekindled the heart of Anna and the doctor decided to release her. He recommends that they see a psychologist while spending more time with her as a family.

While at home, Christy contacts a psychologist while Anna and her sister go to play outside. They even climb a tree as they have always done in the past to have a great view of their farm compound. While sitting on a branch enjoying the view, it cracks, and with fear, Anna tries to climb down.

Anna Falls into a Hollow in a Tree

However, she accidentally falls into the hollow in the middle of the tree which is around 10 meters deep. Her sister and father try to call her, but she doesn’t respond. They call the police and firemen, who come along with news reporters.

It has been three hours, and the firemen have not been able to retrieve Anna. A fireman calls her name, but she doesn’t answer. Christy cannot hold it anymore and kneels at the bottom of the tree to pray for her daughter. Her husband, their children, and church members join them too.

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Miracles from Heaven Christian movie review

After some time, the firemen succeed in taking Anna out. Although she is unconscious, she is still alive with some minor scratches. She is immediately airlifted to the hospital.

The doctor later confirms that the girl is just having minor scratches and is all fine. The parents are happy to hear that. The doctor is surprised the girl had no fractures or injuries despite falling 10 meters into a hole with her head; that can be a miracle. So, the doctor releases them.

Anna Recovers Fully

At home, Anna becomes active and plays dangerous games she could not play before falling. Her mom is surprised, and she even explains it to her husband. Anna no longer takes medicine but has no pain, and her stomach has returned to normal.

One day, Anna tells her parents what happened to her when she fell into that hole. She says that she saw her body lying lifeless and a butterfly on the walls of the tree. She touched the butterfly, and it opened her into a beautiful garden.

Although she never knew where she was, she felt safe and secure. She then walked on the clouds and heard Jesus say she had to return. Although Anna never wanted to return, Jesus assured her she would return healed.

Christy Takes Anna Back to Dr. Nurko for Checkup

The parents decided to tell no one about what happened to their daughter since many would not believe Anna. Being skeptical, Christy takes Anna to the hospital to see Doctor Nurko again. The doctor confirms that Anna is completely healed, although he doesn’t find any scientific explanation for what happened to Anna.

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Miracles from Heaven Christian movie review

He concludes it was a miracle, especially after watching Anna play like a normal child. Doctor Nurko bids goodbye to Christy since he knows they will never return to that hospital for that case. Christy and Anna also bid goodbye to Angela and thanked her for being their great friend.

In the next scene of Miracles from Heaven Christian movie, we see the story of Anna flocking the media houses and Christy decides to take a bold step to share her journey with her daughter and family. After the miracle, she regained her faith in God and shared Anna’s story at the church.

Christy Shares Her Story in the Church Her Journey

She concludes by saying that miracles from heaven are everywhere, and every time we meet with great friends and family members, it is part of the miracles. Some miracles come in simple packages, and God’s forgiveness is one of the greatest. After sharing, some people believe her story, while others have doubts that Anna was sick.

However, the father of the girl who had cancer, whom Anna had given a cross necklace, stands up and confirms that what Christy is saying is very true. That makes everyone believe Christy’s story. Christy thanks the man and passes her condolences for losing his daughter.

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Miracles from Heaven Christian movie review

After the church, the family heads home, and they are ready to take Pizza which the doctor had told Anna that she should not eat. The movie ends with them holding hands to pray together, excited for the miracle of life and the healing of their daughter Anna before taking pizza.

They now live together as a happy family, completely trusting God. Miracles from Heaven Christian movie was a true story about a family who felt the need to share it with the world through a movie and book. They did it to inspire people across the globe that God still gives miracles from heaven, and there are still miracles from heaven everywhere. Thanks and see you in our next article.


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